Tomorrow I (Jim) am leaving for a quick trip to Tokyo. When my dad died in July we had to make some quick changes to our travel plans and ended up leaving Japan earlier than had been planned. That meant quite a few things were left unfinished so I’m going back to try and tie up the loose ends.
- First I will be applying for an extension of my visa. Normally it takes a couple weeks to process but I can only stay in Japan for about 10 days so please pray that the immigration bureau will expedite the processing of my application.
- Secondly, I will be visiting a Covenant church in Chiba on Nov. 2nd to worship with them and meet with the pastor to talk about ministry options for when we return to Japan next summer. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will guide that conversation.
- And finally some of the loose ends. Tidying up our bank accounts and mission financial books,turning in my grades from last semester at the Covenant Seminary, closing up the cabin in Nagano for winter; finding someone to care for our pet rabbit until we get back and probably half a dozen other things…