Thanksgiving Memories

I started this month with grateful remembrances of saints that have gone before.  And as the month comes to a close I would like to remember one other saint who made our first Thanksgiving in Cameroon special.  Moving to the urban landscape of Yaounde was quite a shock to our family after our years in rural Zaire, so when we were invited to the village home of friends we were quite excited. Clem volunteered to drive us about five hours away for the weekend, explaining as we went the etiquette of driving in Cameroon which was considerably different than the rutted roads of Zaire that we were accustomed to.


Clem became a close friend to our family and helped us to adjust to living within a city in Cameroon.  His never failing interest in the activities of our kids and his desire to help us settle into life in Cameroon was a special gift.   As you can see from the pictures included, his love of people was broad and deep. 1797501_10205465313692641_7549651676545072845_n  10750241_10152489130661179_3225268054764940349_o

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