The high school students spent the last week of January on retreat about 3 1/2 hours outside of Yaounde at Centre Touristique Nkolandom. The weather was dry and hot but the pool was cool enough to be refreshing and learning to canoe provided many of them with opportunities to get wet with the splashing of canoe paddles.
There were times of worship in large groups, personal reflection and small group discussions. The theme of the speaker was Trust and the messages focused on the life of Joseph.
We are thankful for few illnesses and injuries and the many relationships that were strengthened teams and individuals had significant opportunities to put in to practice what they learned.
Jeff”s Economic Simulation game went well and was popular with the students.
Thank you for praying for this time and for your partnership with us!
And I apologize that this has taken longer to post than I would have liked – the problems of internet surface again!