Students Leading Students

There are many levels of leadership within a school.  These range  from those we recognize such as the school principal or director to the lesser thought of areas such as a line leader in an elementary school.  One level of leadership at RFIS is the leaders that the students elect each year for their student government.  One of Jeff’s responsibilities is to be an advisor to this group – known as STUCO (student council).

Jeff working with student leaders during their training retreat.

Early in the school year there are elections for the officers and then the representatives of each grade level.

Speeches before elections.

Following the elections, there is an overnight training retreat which Jeff leads each year.  This is a time for students to discuss what leadership looks like, how to run a business meeting and how organizations can function with accountability.  Some of these are very new concepts to these students who come from a variety of backgrounds.

Planning meeting in progress.

Would you pray for Jeff as he meets with these students each week during our Tuesday lunch hour?  Pray specificcally that they will work together as a team and learn to be leaders who serve their constituents and not simply those looking for status and influence with others.

Students working together to wash dishes.

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