It is 2:15 on a Friday afternoon and school gets out for the weekend at 3:22. What student wants to take a test, do a worksheet or even take notes? What teacher wants to teach the students even if they are doing a lab or something else active?
So typically we have scheduled a study hall (which we call Prep) or an elective class at the end of the day on Friday. Students mostly use this Prep for visiting with each other and those with academic electives are not very happy (or their teachers) about trying to work at this less than optimal time.
However our students really like to talk to each other, learn some fun things, play sports and even serve their community. So …. Here Comes Community Time!
We took a poorly used Prep and turned it into a great time of COLOUR CLAN competitions, community service and clubs based on student interest.
Jeff is teaching tennis and my needlecraft club has decided to try counted cross-stitch. We have started planning some community service projects which may include painting the speed bumps, picking up trash, making food for the sports tournaments and on goes the list.
So far it has been a nice change to our Friday afternoons!