Each year I wonder how many roses or hibiscus will subcumb to dry season. It is not just not getting water because in theory they do get watered. But it is the inconsistant nature of that water.

Dry season is underway and the peanut groundcover is dying back and the roses and hibiscus are not too happy. If you look closely you can see my solution being installed.
IF we get a couple good rains then the plants leave their partially dormant state behind and begin to put out new growth. This looks great to start with but then if there is no more rain trouble sets in and the plants spiral to their deaths. This can be forestalled by hand watering the plants two or three times a week. However, if the person who is meant to water doesn’t have three or more hours in the week to spend carefully watering each plant then death again creeps up on the plants. They are neither fond of too little water or too much water. Worst of all is letting them dry too much and then overwatering them. Suprisingly, my hibsicus and rosesdon’t seem to mind our rainy season so the water must drain reasonably well from them.
So considering the losses, year after year, I have tackled the problem with the help of a drip watering system.
I brought coils of tubing, connectors, and emmitters back from California to Cameroon. (On a side note – don’t try to buy these in your local garden store in Virginia- they don’t need drip watering systems there.)
A couple of hours of work cutting and joining tubing with appropriate emmiters has resulted in a drip system designed to keep the plants thriving.
Time will tell – but for now the rose buds and new growth look promising.