Monthly Archives: October 2016

A Time to Mourn, A Time to Pray

This past week has seen Cameroon on the world news as a result of tragic accidents.  First there was a major bus crash on the Yaounde -Douala road which appeared to be the result of buses trying to pass slower …

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Growing yeast and individuals at RFIS

Earlier this week my biology class had to design an experiment to investigate a factor that could impact the growth rate of yeast.  Each group designed their own experiment, including choosing the factor to explore and how to measure its …

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Feeding the Masses

Students and staff get hungry at RFIS.  That is not a surprise.  These wonderful ladies are responsible for making meals each day as well as snacks for staff and students to buy.

Caught in the rain, but still smiling.

They feed us well and we are nourished …

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