Ups and Downs

This past few weeks has been one of highs and lows.

The push for students to complete their AP exams, and then celebrate the accomplishment.

My AP Chemistry class at the RFIS banquet.

My AP Chemistry class at the RFIS banquet.

Watching the fire coverage from San Diego and seeing how the firefighters saved so many homes.

Picture taken from our street (by a neighbor) during the recent fires showing just how close they were

Picture taken from our street (by a neighbor) during the recent fires showing just how close they were

The pain of losing another colleague who suddenly died one morning just before coming to school.

The excitement of another banquet and the fun memories involved as the 12th grade class says goodbye to their years at RFIS.

12th grade class (most of it) at banquet

12th grade class (most of it) at banquet

The physical pain of dropping a gas bottle on my foot,

This is what feel onto my foot when the carrying hanle failed

This is what feel onto my foot when the carrying handle failed

AND the JOY that it healed in two days with no apparent broken bones.

The last regular chapel of the school year just passed and as a small group we said good-bye to our 12th grade member.

The fun of seeing former students as they come back for graduation.


Wondering who will be hostel parents next year at UBAC and waiting….


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