Continuing in prayer

RFIS Prayer Chapel


At Rain Forest International School (RFIS) we join together each morning to worship God and pray.  Most days this happens at the morning assembly or the weekly chapel service.  A little over two weeks ago we were challenged to pray intentionally for 31 days for God’s Holy Spirit to be manifest in the lives of those of us at RFIS.  The focus for Monday October 31 was:

Day 15-Pray for those who are feeling depressed or discouraged (Ps. 42:11)

Ask God to help them look up to Him.  Pray that God will use you or others to come alongside people as encouragers.

The worship leader for the morning asked if there was anyone who wanted to share how God had met them so far in their days of prayer, so that we could encourage one another to continue in prayer.  After a few moments of silence, student after student arose to come to the front to testify to how God was meeting them and the things they were learning as they prayed.

Tuesday is the day the Christian church celebrates All Saints Day and at RFIS we will be praying to be witnesses such as those who have gone before.

Day 16-Pray for Christians at our school to be salt and light. (Matt. 5:14-16)

May we be a testimony to those in the school who don’t know Christ, to the neighborhood around us and in our churches and neighborhoods.

Would you join us as we pray through the last half of our 31 days of prayer?  The guide can be accessed above on the blog.

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