What is C F?

It’s what takes place when people of all different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures and languages get together to practice languages, play and sing music, and support refugees and immigrants. It’s a type of beautiful kaleidoscope of unique personalities coming together in ways they probably wouldn’t have if it weren’t for this project. It’s where lonely people can meet new friends, people with similar interests can find companionship, and those who feel like they’re on the margins can find a place to call home.

C F can be created in groups through meetup.com for people who want to practice Italian, French, Spanish, English, Japanese or Portuguese. It can be found in meetings that are international gatherings where people from different countries can discuss sociology, psychology, history, science, technology, current events, faith, spirituality and the most fascinating and controversial person in history, Jesus Christ. It can be experienced in cafés, homes, community centers and often involves music.


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