Before beginning my Doctorate studies, I had many conversations about the “why” and the “how”. Is it fiscally responsible to get more education as a white woman in a world where so many people of color have less access to education? Isn’t is selfish to acquire more education just because I “can”? Well, my heart is not to amass more and more knowledge, but to learn and give back as I go. This journey cannot be a one-way journey… it must bring me to greater awareness of the systems of injustice in the world, wake me up to make better and more just decisions, learn how to use my access to certain things to open doors for others with dignity and empower each other mutually as women and people from all backgrounds to live into our calling and purpose on earth.
Along the way, I heard of an incredible initiative by the Covenant Church and the Center of World Christian Studies at North Park. It’s called the Advanced Learning Fund. You can read more about it here.
If financial justice and educational equity is something you care about and feel led to support, that link above will take you to this link where you can give according to your heart’s desire. Be sure to put “Center of World Christian Studies, Advanced Learning Fund” in the comments so it goes directly to the fund that will enable people from all different financial backgrounds to access a no-interest loan and pay it back with the help of a caring and called community. This is something I can get behind!
PLEDGE CHALLENGE: If you’re really into all of this, I challenge you to add up the cost of all the education you’ve received post-high school. For instance, if you went to a college that cost $10,000 per year for four years, that’s $40,000. Now, choose a percentage and give that back to the fund above or to another cause that helps people with education needs. A gift of $400 or a pledge to try to give $4000 over the next 5 years would definitely help a fund like this to stay viable and fulfill its goals of making education accessible to all.