
Life is unpredictable. Today was going to be my catch up day and a time with my women’s small group watching The Prayer Room in French. But I woke up with a migraine and could hardly see or make full sentences, I was in so much pain. So… change of plans. After taking the girls to school, I did my homeopathic treatments of steam and saltwater with a drop of eucalyptus, plus a long, hard nap, plus food, plus a cup of coffee, plus a not-so-homeopathic dose of two Advils. A couple hours later, here I am, feeling alive again!! But we’ve got to get the newsletter out, I’ve got to do my Flylady missions (I just started doing it after a try 20 years ago where I couldn’t even do the first step – get your sink so clean it smiles at you), I’d like to head to the gym before the girls get home from school because Fridays are one of the two days where they are both at school all day. Time for prayer? Well, I certainly did a lot of that while laying in bed with my head splitting. And praying now as I type these words… Meditation? Bible reading? Other book reading? Some days are better than others.

This is a season where the book Holy Parenting: Making the Common Sacred by Benjamin Kerns can be so life-giving (thank you, Jodi!). He writes:
“Practicing the presence of God is the simplest of all disciplines, yet seems to be the most difficult to accomplish. The day in the life of a toddler is the exact opposite of quiet and solitude, my two personal favorite disciplines. But since quiet and solitude need to be put on hold for a while, my desire for myself and my prayer for you is that we would embrace the chaos, embrace the ruined furniture, embrace the screaming and crying, and become aware of the presence of God so we can experience and reflect God’s love and grace.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Breathe in, breathe out.”

Fabio and I just realized it’s almost 2pm and we haven’t had lunch yet. Embrace the chaos. Feed your body. Breathe. Jesus is present and active – will I stop long enough to see him in our midst? Some days my prayer is just not to miss life as it seems to be flying by us at an incredible speed.

Tonight, I have a nice moment of play since an Italian friend is taking me to a performance of Galactik Ensemble:


Reminds me of something in the vein of Blue Man Group. Looking forward to it! (If I can stay up that late – it starts at 8:30pm!)

Whether single or married, widowed, divorced, with biological kids or adopted kids or other kids around you or not, may we all embrace the chaos and unpredictability of life today. I plan to look my girls in the eyes and give them hugs at least once today. I plan to ask them how they are doing and be present to their needs as much as possible between the many daily tasks of cleaning, cooking, working, and the list goes on.

Breathe in, breathe out.

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