Language confusion: neeple or nipple?

About six weeks ago I asked Arthur, the Lebanese owner of the hardware store in Kinshasa, if he had 1” close nipples as I needed some for a construction project (see pic below). He spoke French better than English so …

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Congo team adds more staff

Praise the Lord for Paul and Sheryl’s safe arrival at Karawa at about 16h30 yesterday afternoon.  They’ll have to describe the trip, but one comment from Paul will interest you.  In his greeting to the church he said that the …

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Paul DeNeui’s visit

We enjoyed our friend Paul DeNeui’s visit earlier this week. Paul is the professor of missiology at North Park Theological Seminary after having served as a missionary in Thailand for 18 years. While it’s fun to have a friend visit, …

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Bogose-Nubea visit for polio vaccination

On Thursday last week, we traveled to Bogose-Konu where we observed the kick-off for the second phase of the polio vaccination campaign. The local health center had been publicizing this day well ahead of time, so there were a lot …

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Ekstrand Loan Association?

That’s the question– did we start our own Ekstrand loan association? Sometimes it seems like it and honestly sometimes we, Pete more than Cindy, tire of dealing with loans and keeping track of their repayment, but that’s life here. Here’s …

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Sudan Covenant provides relief supplies to IDPs

The Evangelical Covenant Church of Sudan (ECCS) recently provided emergency relief supplies to 27 vulnerable families representing 508 people who are living in camps of internally displaced peoples (IDPs) in Sudan. With a grant from Covenant World Relief (CWR), the …

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Polio Vaccination Campaign


Two weeks ago, from Thursday to Saturday, a polio vaccination campaign was held throughout the entire Ubangi-Mongala region. Marta Klein, Covenant short-term missionary physician’s assistant who is in Gemena with us learning Lingala, walked around the neighborhood with the …

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Over the last 2+ weeks we have heard about many children in the community being diagnosed with typhoid fever. At the same time rainy season has not really started and water sources are low or drying out. One of the …

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Easter Sunday in Congo

He is Risen!!

We had a joyous Easter celebration yesterday morning: 1,899 attended, 8 choirs, 2 different groups of little kids presented what they’ve learned in Sunday School, and there was a baby dedication for 7 babies, all within 3-1/2 …

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Fording the River

This is what we faced on our way home to Gemena several weeks ago.  You can see us in the back, peeking around the right of the BIG truck stuck in the river.

I had more room to get past …

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