Congo Vehicle Fund

Our Congo missionary staff is growing and reliable transportation is needed when we travel for pastors’ seminars, medical outreach, agriculture development, discipleship, and education. At present we only have one newer truck and one older truck for 10 missionaries.  See …

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CEUM Installation Service

Ask what we did on Sunday, March 25 and we’ll say that we went to church, ALL DAY! Yes, it truly was just about ALL day. The installation service for the new CEUM President Rev. Jules MBOKA Ngate and VP …

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Donut Saturday!

Last Saturday was Donut Saturday.

Cindy was telling stories to our colleagues about how, when we had little kids years ago living in Congo, we used to have “Donut Sunday” when it rained long and hard on a Sunday morning …

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Wasting time with God?

Do you ever feel like you’ve wasted time? I sometimes do. And what is “wasting time?” For me I think it is time I spend on activities that are not productive towards checking off the items I put on my …

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CHE training went well

The training we led for CHE (Community Health Evangelism) Feb 13-18 went well. Thirty people from the four church conferences closest to Gemena attended.

We had originally planned for this to go to Wednesday Feb 22, but after …

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CHE TOT underway!

Our first full fledged TOT (Training of Trainers) for CHE (Community Health Evangelism) is underway as you can see in this photo. We have 27 participants and maybe 2-3 more yet to arrive. We will be together all this week …

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Lumba Bridge Work

The Lumba bridge is wonderfully rebuilt thanks to the hard work of Tom Lawson, Clay Schwab, Kade Zongalinga and Kade’s team. This log bridge has been problematic for years and now there is a good stable, durable bridge in place …

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World Vision Partnership

Exciting changes ahead:

A major partnership with World Vision that promises to dramatically impact the lives of people suffering the ravages of poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo was unveiled this morning during the closing session of the Midwinter

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News from Sudan

Many of us have been following the news in Sudan, hearing about continued violence and the challenges the Sudanese people face every day.  I invite you to read this article about what the Covenant Church in South Sudan is doing …

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CEUM Election Results

The “Assemblee” for the Congo Covenant Church (CEUM) is finished and here is a link to the story of the election results.  This meeting is similar to the US Covenant Church’s “Annual Meeting” where various leaders give reports, new leaders …

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