Posts under ‘News’


Sitdo’s turbine continues to grind corn and provide a few lights 17 years after it started operating.  This project was a joint venture of CIDA (Canadian International Development Association) and the CEUM (Congo Covenant Church) through Covenant World Relief (CWR).…

Helping Mothers Survive

“The Helping Mothers Survive training gave me courage to help a young mother in crisis,” shared Anne-Marie Magolo Zuku, the head nurse at the IPOC health center.

“Amongoa Antonasi came to the health center 1 day after giving birth at …

Take Courage in Your Faith

Let’s be courageous in our faith.  Women let’s be strong because there is a reward,” says the song that Lisia Weka, the new CEUM Women’s President, taught the women in the Bodokola church region.

Bodokola was the first …

Installation message: “Care for your colleagues”

“Care for your colleagues” said Rev. Gwana in his sermon at the installation service for four heads of CEUM departments and services.  This past Sunday the new department heads for women ministries, Biblical and theological education and men’s ministries plus …

Injustice = Lost Productivity

These two are intractably linked here in Congo.  The ongoing story of W clearly illustrates the connection.

About two months ago W was arrested, allegedly for allowing or helping a prisoner at the military prison get out and go to …

Institute Cindy welcomes Cindy and Pete

Yes, indeed, the school is named Institute Cindy.  That was not Cindy’s choice, but it’s what the CEUM Education Department decided to do a couple years ago when they opened several new schools.  We visited the school recently and this …

CKC-WV Update: Capping the springs at IPOK

Suzia is the name of the spring at the base of the big satellite antenna up on IPOK hill, past the main houses. This is the original spring that was capped in the early 1960s to serve IPOK. Dave Swanson …

Ebola virus outbreak–links to analyses and history

Here I’ve gathered a number of links to helpful articles analyzing the current Ebola virus outbreaks and history.

Ebola Now Poses a Threat to National Security in West Africa

Science Insider: Congo outbreak of Ebola unrelated to escalating West African

New motorcycle for CHE ministry

A new Yamaha AG 100 just arrived for the CHE initiative.  Rev. Elenga will now have reliable transportation for the training, supervision and encouragement he has to do.  Many thanks to New London Covenant Church for this generous gift.

REv Elenga, Pete & Cindy (2) [800x600]


Powerful Impact of Leadership Retreat

“This was the first time I concentrated an entire morning for communion with the Lord,” remarked one of the pastors who participated in the 2-day Leadership Retreat held this week in Bokonzo.

With the invitation and encouragement from President Mboka, …

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