Posts under ‘News’

Consultation of Covenant African church leaders

Today we start the first ever gathering of these leaders. We have leaders coming from:

  • la Communaute Evangelique de l’Ubangi-Mongala or Congo Covenant Church (CEUM)
  • the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya (ECCK)
  • the Evangelical Covenant Church of South Sudan (ECCSS)

Kenya Mission Vision Trip

We praise God for the great trip to Kenya we had recently.  Empowerment was a key theme throughout the trip.  What a privilege it is to be a part of linking the Evangelical Covenant Church of Kenya to sisters and …

Visit to Rwandan genocide memorials

“Over 10,000 people were killed in and around this church,” said Anita as she gave us the tour of the Nyamata genocide memorial.

Nyamata is the Catholic Church some 30 minutes from Kigali where the genocide started. Anita was 12 …

Reconciliation lived out in Rwanda

John shared, “I was one of those who perpetrated. It really started in 1993. The government had taught us that there was a very bad

problem and the problem was the Tutsis. Schools taught us that the Tutsis were bad …

Building the capacity of Congolese leaders

It was just two weeks ago that President Mboka made a bold decision to support building the capacity of the leadership of the CEUM.  President Mboka had selected five leaders to attend the Leadership Matters Course in Yaounde, Cameroon.  All …

Welcoming and Grieving in Congo

 When we returned to Gemena the CEUM had a special welcome for us. It was one of welcome home and we grieve with you. The normal welcomes do not have some speak from the Scriptures, but this one did. Pastor …

Kenya Covenant Pastor Murdered

Mathew Mchana Tumu, who served as the national treasurer of the Covenant Church of Kenya, was murdered Friday by thieves who stole two goats.

Tumu’s daughter had called him to let him know the thieves were taking the animals. He …

“COURAGEOUS” impacts Congolese

“This movie has spoken to my heart,” said one pastor after watching the movie “COURAGEOUS” at our house Monday night.  He went on to share that he has been estranged from one of his daughters and has not spoken to …

Helping Babies Breathe in Congo

Two days after Dr. Eddy received the training Helping Babies Breathe at Karawa he was able to put his newly acquired skills into practice.  A woman gave birth by caesarean and the baby was not breathing.  Dr. Eddy knew exactly …

Green peppers and sustainability

So what do green peppers and sustainability have to do with each other?  The green house project at the Kitengela Covenant Church is truly a sustainable project as they have successfully moved from crop to crop and now they’re raising …

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