New Year’s Reflections

“…my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall  be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.”  (Phil 1:20, NKJV) Italics mine.

This is the verse for Jan. 1 in Chambers My Utmost for His Highest.  Chambers comments: “we tell God He doesn’t know what our obedience will mean.  Keep to the point–He does know.”  “I am determined to be absolutely and entirely for Him and Him alone.”

Yes, that is my deepest desire–without question.  Yet, I must confess that at times living this out daily is a challenge.  What Chambers goes on to write captures the common dilmena:

“But before we choose to follow God’s will, a crisis must develop in our lives.  This happens because we tend to be unresponsive to God’s gentler nudges.  He brings us to the place where He asks us to be our utmost for Him and we begin to debate.  He then providentially produces a crisis where we have to decide–for or against.  That moment becomes a crossroads in our lives. ” (emphasis mine)

I find these words very descriptive of how life comes at us and plays out.  The crises Chambers refers to are of all sizes and at any moment.  My challenge is to choose wisely each time.

Lord, help me to hear and follow the gentle nudges You give and if and when I’m faced with a crisis, give me the courage and strength to surrender my will to yours and to choose for You.

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