Water towers going up in Gemena

Two water towers have recently been completed by the Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision project in Gemena.

water tower near the CECU church

water tower near the CECU church

These are in the Saza neighborhood of Gemena, a neighborhood which does not have any of it’s own sources of fresh water.  Each of the tanks will be filled by a nearby well.  These wells were drilled eariier in 2014.

+26,000 gallon tank

+26,000 gallon tank

The towers each hold 26,417 gallons (100 cubic meters) and are 36 ft (11 m) up in the air.  They will each provide water through 8 water distribution kiosks or distribution points in the neighborhood, 7 of which will have 3 faucets and 1 will have 4 giving a total of 25 faucets for water tank.

The well near the CECU church produces 6,600 gal (25 cubic meters) per hour so it can fill the tank in about 4 hours!

CECU church in the foreground and the water tower

CECU church in the foreground and the water tower

The solar systems to power the wells will be installed in early 2015 and then the wells will start providing needed potable water to the population.  A third water tank is planned and the pieces are here, but it has to be setup.  Unfortunately the well for this tank does not produce enough water so World Vision has to redrill it.  Once that is completed the tank will be setup.

Pray that these systems will be completed soon.

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