Solar water pump at CEFA in CAR

We are so thankful for all the great work by Water for Good.  They installed a solar water pump out at the CEFA farm, and it is running well.  No fuel costs, and the well is keeping up with the …

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Tractor! New to us!

We had planned for long to get a used tractor for the Back 2 Eden farm, and Covid slowed us down even more than usual for the purchase.  We are so thankful for this machine which our Back 2 Eden …

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Soon on our way! Thanks for your prayers

We’re just about ready for takeoff.  Thanks to your prayers and an awesome travel agent, we hope to arrive in Chicago on Wednesday afternoon (July 15th)!  Yippee!  Now for our usual sad goodbyes and joyful hellos, doing that balancing act …

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Thankful for Maddie’s visit

Our 13 year old granddaughter, Maddie, came to us just before lockdown, in mid-March.  We have stayed pretty much at home, except for walks on the beach and grocery shopping at the mall.  Just this last week, as lockdown rules …

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Please pray for flights to the U.S. for us

On Friday we had purchased Turkish Air tickets to Chicago, only to have them cancelled on Sunday morning.  We had been keeping our eyes open for flights and were excited to think we were going to be home by July …

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Kids on vacation? Put ’em to work!

The kids are on vacation, yes, and they do enjoy lots of free time play time, but they always are ready to help if you ask them.  This past week they’ve been busy with:

planting a fruit/ornamental hedge around the …

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Training happening at B2E

Roy welcomed a group of 4 guys to the Back 2 Eden farm, to encourage them in their ministry to the poor people in our communities.  They have been sent out by Norwegian Settlers’ Church/Genesis Hope to deliver food parcels …

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Cooking bananas, plantains, makemba, whatever you want to call them, we call them yummy.  Roy was given this plantain plant about a year ago; banana family plants produce quickly, nothing like the mangosteen that typically takes about 8 years to …

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Be still and know that I am God

In songs, new to me and shared by friends, and in conversations and sermons, I am learning anew to be thankful for today, to live in this moment that God has given us.  I don’t need to worry about the …

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Happy 48 years of being a couple

I mentioned in passing, on May 18, that Roy and I became an official couple on May 18, 1972.  The kids picked up on that and we had a special meal, with french silk pie for dessert.  Boy was it …

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