Two beauties at Back 2 Eden

Meanwhile, back at the Back 2 Eden farm in South Africa, flowers and grandchildren are blossoming.  Anna just sent us this picture of the jade vine by the nursery tunnel blooming, with our sweet Elaina peeking from behind.  Two beauties!!   …

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Good news from CEFA!

We are so grateful for cell phones and whatsapp!  Just this week we got some photos of our buddies BB and N’s smiling faces, and heard some news of how things are going.  N and CEFA’s new director, D, visited …

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Donatien and the CEFA crew

Reports, overdue, are just coming in from CEFA in CAR and Roy is having a bit of difficulty with communication via texting and email.  Please pray that the information can be gathered and translated and sent to our very generous …

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Busy, busy

August has flown by, full of Zoom meetings and reports, working on our new home and yard, and of course enjoying doing life with our kids and grandkids right next door.  We have been able to join in on many …

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Pray for Zweli

Please pray for Zweli, our Back 2 Eden farm manager, as he runs the Brackleys’ farm and the Back 2 Eden orchard and nursery without our normal 2-3 workers these days.  Pray for strength and continued integrity as he faces …

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Please pray for B2E workers

We recently have had word of workers at Back 2 Eden having difficulties.  L lost his father before we left in July and now has lost him mom as well.  S is having trouble and absences and is thereby difficult …

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At home, at last!

During our quarantine of 14 days we painted and cleaned and built cupboards and bookshelves to complete the work in our little granny flat that has been built on the back of Josh and Kimia’s farmhouse.  Roy was amazing, putting …

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The repatriation trip!!!

After a month and half extra time in South Africa (we were due to leave June 2nd, but left July 14th), with confusion and coping with lockdown rules (no regular international flights, only restricted repatriation flights) and big hopes and …

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Saying goodbye to South Africa for awhile

What a heart wrenching time, saying goodbye to South Africa for awhile.  We thoroughly enjoyed and our last times with family and just a few friends, stretching the lockdown rules just a tad.  We drank in the beauty of God’s …

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Fence at Back 2 Eden, South Africa, is done!

We needed to close off the top side of the farm with fencing to help prevent thieves from entering.  A lot of work went into clearing the fence line.  I don’t know if you remember, but Roy and Zweli put …

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