
This frog was sitting at about eye level on our door for a good 4 days.  Maybe it’s used to South African time, laid back and letting go.  Running late?  No worries.  People expecting things of you?  No worries.  You …

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Sam and Anna’s visit

How sweet it has been to have Sam & Anna with us for 10 days.  Short time but very helpful, and what a delight to just hang out together and laugh and catch up.  They were able to have some …

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Back helping again at the Care Centre

I’ve been thoroughly enjoying helping out at the care center, whether it be employee health screening, visiting the patients with a dear friend, or doing mundane tasks that free up time for the nursing director and her assistant.  I sometimes …

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Back 2 Eden – ag development in S. Africa

Roy is busy with his Back 2 Eden crew, caring for the orchards and the nursery, patiently waiting for his contacts to come through for visiting schools and townships in our area.


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 It is good to get news from a foreign land.  While we are in South Africa, our dear friend and director of CEFA sends reports for Roy to translate and turn in to U.S. donors.  Along with the reports come …

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Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God

Just that. Little by little.  Step by step.  Now.  My friend Christi R. posted this and I found it encouraging.  I hope you do too.

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Been cantakerous lately?

As we volunteered to pray with people after church one Sunday, we met a woman seeking healing for her painful hip. She was an interesting character; a bit louder than was okay in the small room with other praying people, …

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Back 2 Eden

Our Back 2 Eden team with brand new tshirts; from left to right – Roy, Loyisa, Sbabalo, Zweli, Aleta, Sam & Anna, Lynn & Gary. The land, 2 workers, and help with a truck purchase for the project have all …

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Oh what a joy it is to be here in Africa!  Oh what a privilege it is to interact on a daily, weekly, or even just a “passing moments” (like our buddies at the Titus Centre where our son Sam …

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A Christmas grasshopper!

Again, who needs Christmas decorations!  Wow!

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