
Our dear friend and colleague, Anton, is resigning from his position as Africa coordinator with the Swedish mission’s Interact.  There is a committee to take his place, with ex-missionaries (we know them all and think they are great choices) heading …

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Ag ministry

Whether across the border at a Fulani women’s co-op garden

or a connection to sell fruit trees to an avid farmer
CEFA continues to help people grow crops to feed their families, and helps them to know that the Lord …

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CEFA’s future

CEFA’s contract workers are having meetings to brainstorm about the future of the farm and extension work.  Funding will most likely be there through 2020, and they must dream big into this next phase.  They are bringing in income from …

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Beauty this week

We praise the God of creation!

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May 1st was Labor Day

Yes, it was 2 weeks ago, but we did celebrate Labor Day with the CEFA employees.  We had a nice meal and Roy gave a quick but very encouraging talk.  Oh, how I love gozo!!  Some years they have a …

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Blessing ceremony for our local church’s new prez

Last Sunday we went to Berberati in order to join in the celebration as the new president of our local church was officially blessed and established in office, they call it “installation” in French.  It was good to see so …

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A dear friend has passed away

Hajja J, mom to some of my closest friends, and my own dear friend since our arrival to CAR 21 year ago, is gone.  She went to meet her Maker on Saturday.  She will be missed, her smile and warm …

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Mother’s Day has passed by, but mothers’ love is here to stay

I am ever so thankful for our sweet, loving, Jesus-following mom whose smile can brighten your day and whose hugs can warm you in your coldest moments

I am thankful for the two boys who made me a mom and …

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Overload with a front seat view

How would you like to sit up where these guys are?  Tropical sun shining harshly down on you while dust billows up, or rain pelting you relentlessly as you hold on for dear life when the whole truck tips side …

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Missing Jan & Kim

As I visit with Fulani friends on both sides of the river border, one of the questions I hear most is “how are Jan & Kim?”  We all miss them.  They left plenty of souvenirs behind, some are tangible and …

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