At H’s house this month

We are talking about Jesus’ last day, the cross, and then the resurrection at our ladies’ group this coming month.  We’ll watch the Jesus film in Fulfulde after that and I’m hoping and praying for deep, heartfelt reactions to Jesus’ …

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Watch out! Durians are in season!

Seriously, you do not want to be under a durian tree at this time of year!  Aside from the attack on your sense of smell, you do not want to get bonked on the head by one of these spiny, …

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CEFA farm haps!

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CEFA farm haps! Fruits.

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Roy & I just went to visit our colleagues, BB & S, in their village in Cameroon.  You might recall these are the gifted friends who have rebuilt their lives with Fulani friends and ag co-ops in spite of being …

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Visiting our friends

We were welcomed royally to BB & S’s village and we were given the newly furnished guest room to stay overnight.  The beds are brick frame, dirt and gravel filled, with a layer of heavy plastic, then cardboard/very thin plywood, …

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Rainy season

It is definitely rainy season.  Crops and weeds are burgeoning, flowers are blooming, and big flying termites are coming out at midnight some nights after big rains – great protein for hungry tummies!

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Just for fun – beautiful creation


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Celebration at the local Catholic Church

Wow!  The pomp and circumstance of the local Catholic Church’s service was something to experience!  We were invited to attend the blessing service, on Pentecost Sunday, of 3 newly appointed Abbes.  Complete with incense and bells, parading the cross up …

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Stylin’ while keeping warm and dry!

If you want to keep your head dry and your ears warm, especially when riding on a motorcycle in the rain (I know, this should be time for a motorcycle helmet commercial “You know why they call it a brain …

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