Safe and sound in South Africa – for a bit

Oh it is so sweet to be with family!  We were able to “get away from it all” for four days with Sam and Anna and kids to a favorite lodge in the Free State, South Africa.  It was a …

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Last day gifts as we left CAR

Our last day in CAR came upon us way too fast.  We had lots of sweet goodbyes, including the women’s group coming and, at my request, singing one of my favorite songs.  As they finished up, we heard the news …

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Dad’s memorial gathering in Africa

The CEFA workers came and set up our driveway and front yard as an absolutely typical African wake, well, minus the body.  They set up two outside lights and brought benches for all to sit down.  They brought drums and …

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Church and hospital goodbyes

I am undone, overwhelmed with being loved.  So many people saying thank you.  Hugs and tears and breaking your heart words of love and encouragement, about our 21 years in CAR and about Dad’s passing away, emotions running in deep …

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Funny things this week


I didn’t get a picture, but the full moon a week ago was so bright it charged the solar panel battery!


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Benoit and Laurentine’s new retirement house blessing

Benoit and Laurentine have just finished building their retirement home.  It is a lovely place, situated with a lovely view and not too close to the hustle and bustle of roads and market noise.  We celebrated with them and we …

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Retirement party at CEFA

June 21st we woke up at 4 am to the sound of gentle rain falling.  Normally that would be a very welcome sound, but that day was the day of our retirement party, to take place outside.  Thankfully the …

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Roy’s dad passed away

Roy’s 92 year old dad has left us to go “fishing with Jesus”, as our bro-in-love Tim puts it!  From a routine CT scan turned suspicious on June 24th to a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma on July 31st

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CEFA board meeting

August 19-20 CEFA’s board met and they were able to cover all subjects on the agenda.  They went over all activities and finances from the last two years and were able to make important decisions about the future.  Our administrative …

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Nursing school graduation!

Last Sunday, we had the pleasure of attending the mission’s nursing school graduation.  Nineteen new RNs received their diplomas with the blessing of the school, local authorities, the church, friends, and family.  What a celebration, and what joy to see …

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