Category Archives: Fulani/M friends

R’s phone book!

I had a wonderful time catching up with R – it’s been probably 2 years since I’d seen her.  She was once the wife of our gardener, H, and was so very helpful in the translation of health pamphlets into …

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Good news

We’ve just heard recently from our friends at Gamboula that there are a few Fulani coming again to the mission hospital for treatment.  Thank you for keeping the prayers going.  May peace reign again, and may the Lord’s love shine!…

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1 step forward too many steps back to count

Please pray!  Due to a few events this past week, we no longer have Fulani patients in our hospital.  There have been verbal threats, general harassment, and physical attacks.  We had just begun to see a consistent number of Muslixm …

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Just being with friends

Oh how sweet it is, to just sit and enjoy the company of friends.  No agenda, no specific tasks, just sitting and chatting and sharing our lives.  With these friends, we have a great camaraderie; there’s always something to giggle …

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Ramaata is home!

blog-ramaata-back-home-2Thank you for praying for little Ramaata, (the one with the scarf) that the TB in her leg bones would be healed.  She was released from the hospital, after a 2.5 month stay, and here she is reunited with her …

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Please pray for this mama and baby

Little Raabi, who once was a tiny toddler with a mega case of TB at our mission hospital, is now a mom.  We have been friends through thick and thin, and the “thick” in her case is more than just …

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Fulani guests at the farm!!

I was out picking mulberries and Roy was across the stream planting in the reforestation area when Kim pulled up to our house with two Fulani men. These two are our first Fulani guests out at the farm since 2014 …

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How much does prayer cost?


Please pray!  Pray that these children and their families can understand that we all have equal access to the one, true, loving Lord of life.  Read what my friend, Jan, wrote (edited a bit by yours truly) to a friend …

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This little friend has TB, but she’s not coughing.  Xrays revealed severe bone damage in her leg, and 3 weeks ago she couldn’t stand. For a few months before coming across the border to the mission hospital, she just sat …

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Layha – time to eat lamb!

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What a wonderful time we had celebrating Layha/Tabaski with friends across the way.  This holiday and the end of Ramadan fasting are their two BIG holidays.  Because Tabaski commemorates Abraham’s trek up to the mountaintop to obediently sacrifice his son, …

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