Category Archives: Fulani/M friends

Labor Day festivities

May 1st is Labor Day in this country, and is celebrated with a day off and a parade and a feast of some sort. We were invited to the government party “downtown”. It was a raucous beer drinking and dancing …

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Facing Goliaths

We had a couple of good meetings this past week, with me sharing about David & Goliath, and Nadege sharing about a recent trip she made to northern Cameroon to learn about co-operatives that are working really well. The women …

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Recessive genes and local healers

One of our good Fulani friends asked us to drop in and see her grandson with a broken leg after our Thursday meetings a couple of weeks ago. The 4 year old had been roughhousing with his friends and siblings …

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Brooms revisited

The ladies at our Thursday meeting keep on making brooms – there must be a constant demand for them. They do wear out when you sweep the dirt clear around your house daily. I thought I’d send along some pictures …

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Celebration of Abraham’s faith

Jan & I went visiting last Wednesday to many Fulani friends’ homes to celebrate the holiday commemorating Abraham’s faith, when he went up the mountain, willing to sacrifice his beloved son. We went bearing gifts of tea, sugar, and banana …

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A good day across the border

Well, we had 34 women at our meeting across the border Thursday morning. It was great! AND, they were there waiting for us, instead of us coming and waiting for them all to show up! We were blessed, to say …

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Hapsaatu is better, thanks for your prayers!

After a long hospital stay with the loss of her 7 month pregnancy/baby, Hapsaatu is on the mend and is back at home. She’s slowly but surely getting better, thank you so much for your prayers.

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Fun with bible stories

Oh I had fun telling bible stories to the ladies on Monday. To watch them laugh when they heard about Joseph’s brothers bowing down to him just as he had dreamed, to see them understand how God uses all kinds …

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Mondays across the border

A young mom weeding in her co-op’s veggie garden
This is the women’s group across the border, yesterday, Feb. 8th, hearing a bible story about Joseph and a lesson about being careful about medicines, such as tetracycline, that they can …

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Monday across the border

We had a good trip on Monday to visit with our Fulani friends across the border. Here’s a photo of one of the veggie gardens that we are helping these former non-farming people to start.kentzou-veggies
As we drove on the …

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