Category Archives: Prayer requests

Norbert, peace to his memory

Norbert Tchounkeu, a smiling husband and father of 3 teenagers, passed away last week, after a sudden and very short sickness out of the blue.  He was the go-to guy for all things administrative for our missions and mostly for …

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Meetings, meetings, meetings

CEFA’s whole staff, ranging from director to farm manager to village supervisor to cattle caretaker to mechanic, met recently to hash out problems and to share vision.   There is a weekly meeting of the main 6 leaders to talk about …

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On refugees

When is a refugee no longer a refugee?  When does the UNHCR start tapering off on the biweekly food aid?  How do refugees, crowded together in camps, or scraping by to live in villages, eke out a living?  How does …

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Please keep praying for PEACE for CAR

We are encouraged as we see more and more Fulani cattle herders around Gamboula and the CEFA farm.  Thankfully there are clear boundaries so that the farmer and the cowman remain friends!  We are encouraged as we hear news of …

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Visit from UN troops

We had a nice visit with two UN officers the other day.  They came from the main town to the east, where they are stationed, to patrol our area; sort of a fact-finding mission.  They had a pick-up full of …

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Roy and Zweli

Roy’s mouth is almost back to normal now, after a root canal through a crown.  He’ll be going in to the dentist one more time next week for follow-up.  His tummy troubles, due to amoebic parasites, (which thankfully didn’t start …

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Double wake

A hodge podge of shoes outside a man’s house is an everyday scene, but the great number of this day’s collection of footwear and even one man’s crutch, shows that something out of the ordinary was going on.  The owners …

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Mayor Daouda Daous, peace to his memory

We will sorely miss this man, Daouda Daous, mayor of Gamboula.  He was always ready to try to help, and an advocate for the Fulani people.  When rumors were flying, we would just pick up the phone and ask him …

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While we are safe and happy…


For the past month there have been major skirmishes in the east of the country, click here for news article and here’s another one.  Though we definitely do …

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Ouch! and thank You!

This poor mango tree has suffered some very rough treatment, but it stands strong and provides shade from the blazing tropical sun, never mind all the fruit it still provides in spite of the scars it bears.  Just recently I …

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