Category Archives: Family & Friends

Back at home and very content

Our time with friends, away from work, in God’s creation, was extraordinary,

but it is SO GOOD to be home again,

even though we came home to face a blown out generator

and no antenna set up at our house …

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Mom is 91!

This dear woman of deep faith has been such a blessing and influence on us all our lives.  Her easy going nature and love for God, family and life shine from her.  She and Dad are now 91 and still …

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Lynn & Gary

Where do I even begin to tell the story of how much we love these two?  Lynn & Gary graciously and lovingly opened up their hearts, home, and farm, first to our kids and then to us.    We do life …

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Luke in South Africa

Our good friend and missionary colleague, Luke Turk, came from Cameroon last week to stay for a short while with us in South Africa.  He had injured his arm in December, had surgery, and because of a concern about the …

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Gretta comes once a week to clean our house, as well as our kids’ house and the Titus Garage  office.

She is a sweet and funny lady, but she struggles with the English language.  We’ve had some funny conversations, and …

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Saying goodbye to our buddies

Our dear friends and colleagues in Fulani ministry, Jan & Kim Cone, will be leaving Central Africa in mid-March, starting their retirement years.  They have written such lovely but poignant stories of their goodbyes to dear Fulani friends, and I …

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Sam and Anna’s visit

How sweet it has been to have Sam & Anna with us for 10 days.  Short time but very helpful, and what a delight to just hang out together and laugh and catch up.  They were able to have some …

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Merry Christmas!!

Go down the red petal carpeted road to the left, you get to Roy & Aleta’s house, straight ahead you can see Sam & Anna’s house, off to the right are the farm manager, Zweli’s, and Lynn & Gary’s house.   …

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We do miss our family, especially during the holidays, cherishing memories of last summer

and being thankful to be able to keep in touch via phone calls and Whatsapp  and email connections. We keep plenty of photos and the kids’ …

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Roy is MUCH better

Roy is improving rapidly, with 3x/day exercises and heat packs and he just finished his anti-inflammatory meds.  He rarely needs even Tylenol and is back to probably 2/3 his normal energy and mobility.  He has been able recently to put …

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