Category Archives: Family & Friends

So what happened in 3 weeks?

Busy, crazy times these are! I have just not taken the time to write, part of me is thinking that I still have to set aside an hour just to make one blog entry BUT, oh my goodness, I hit …

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What a wonderful time we had in Yellowstone, that is after we moved from the snow campsite to a 10 degree warmer, grassy campsite.  Elaina and Sawyer were great hikers and at one point, at the end of a 1.5 …

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Family together

Oh how sweet to be together, to laugh and eat, share and pray, shed a tear and play.  Sam, Anna, Elaina, and Sawyer will be in Spokane, WA, for at least the next year, as Sam perfects his skills as …

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Librarian sisters!

How fun it has been to visit with family! While in California last month, we took photos of our two sisters who both work in elementary school libraries. They both are so very creative in their work, it is fun …

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On the road and packing!

We made it to California, and have been enjoying family and friends, we even had a turkey dinner! Yum! We packed up all our belongings (mostly household things like pots & pans & dishes) into this moving van/shipping container, finally …

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Back again!

Daddypops on the phone Christmas day

This photo is of my dad talking to my brother on Christmas day.  He passed away 2 weeks later.

Sorry for the absence of a whole month! It was wonderful to be with my family in California, even though it …

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Aleta’s dad

My dad passed away Friday night at about midnight, with my stepmom right by his side. He had been unconscious for a few days as a result of a bad infection that turned into a more serious infection of his …

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The buddies together!!

Whether it be working on “THE ARTICLE” or “THE BOOK”, playing frisbee, planting trees, eating strange, hairy, bumpy, ugly and sometimes scary tropical fruit, or just telling stories, forever best buddy Paul Noren and Roy are like two peas in …

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Back home at Gamboula

We’re thankful to be home again, after a great and restful vacation. Paul Noren, our long time best buddy, will be here with us for a couple of months, working with ag and Fulani ministries, while his wife, Sheryl, finishes …

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Sweet girls!

Here are Kimia, Maddie & Maia!

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