Category Archives: Family & Friends

On to Denver for Applewood Church and Fafu!

From Montrose to Denver you have to cross the Rockies, and oh what gorgeous scenery our God treated us to!  It has been 3.5 years since we’ve been in the snow, so Roy had to hold some.  You can probably …

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The Montrosians

What fun to be with Janet, Paul, and Erin.  Laughing, telling old family stories, playing Boake Carter, Star Reporter and Pit, and eating Janet’s amazing cooking!  Erin was able to come hang out with us, leaving her family in Colorado …

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Thankful for fun times with a dear buddy

Clynnley, our friend from Congo/Zaire days, always makes me smile.  She might be going through tough times, but she’s always wanting to know what’s going on with us.  Her lovely daughter Thea is just graduating from high school and going …

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My big sister!!!

Always an open door, a clean bed to sleep in, stories and giggles to share, and of course!!! lots of great food including the possibility of an In n Out burger just down the road!  Daniel always has something interesting …

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Our stepmom, Ardys

It seems like she doesn’t change much!  Ardys looks like she did 3 years ago, though she does use a cane, for just in case!  We heard some new stories (and a few old ones, smile) about what’s been going …

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Thank you, Kingsburg buddies!!!

Oh what fun!!  Paulette organized for alot of our Kingsburg friends to come share supper and gave us the opportunity to hear alot of news about the 3 years’ just gone by!  Stories about grandkids and trips and of course …

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Mom’s paintings

Since we’re driving from California to Indiana rather than flying, we chose a few, well maybe more than a few, like, 12 or so?!, paintings by Mom to take with us to decorate our rental home for the year.  She …

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We’re in the states!!!

Pretty soon we’ll be seeing this precious family in Indiana!!!   Josh, Kimia, Maddie, Maia, & Emrie. ?????????? But first, we’re in California visiting family and friends,getting new glasses, seeing our favorite dentist, and buying the car we’re going to be driving …

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Paul & Sheryl’s visit

What a treat to have our 2 best friends come and hang out with us and help us during our last week at Gamboula!  These two and their family have been a part of our lives ever since we first …

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Our friend Constant has passed away

One of our very first buddies in our first year (1998) in CAR, Constant was an energetic, outgoing, helpful, and encouraging friend.  He helped us with getting used to being in a new place, he and our boys, Josh and …

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