Thank you for the encouragement!

Century plant toppled over and dying, but sending out thousands of new plantsblog hurry up and reproduceI was overwhelmed by the responses I received after my “Overload” post, and I just want to say thank you!  Thank you for the encouragements, the prayers, the scriptures shared, and for your friendship/partnership as we walk this earth together and look for ways that we, hand in hand, can bring glory to God.

Prayers were answered, not in giving A’i perfect sight again, but her skin condition that she has suffered with for 2 years is amazingly better after just a couple of days of treatment from our Gamboula doctor.  She is encouraged.  Prayers were answered, not in reversing the loss of Faadi’s baby, but she is going home today, to be reunited with her family after a 2 month absence.  She was beaming yesterday afternoon as she told me how she looked forward to seeing her 2 little girls today.  She is healing very well after her c-section.  She is hopeful.  Prayers were answered, not in a horde of people coming to know the Messiah, but in a simple conversation with a couple of my friends I learned that they had heard a Jesus following teacher in a lesson (I think on the radio) at the end of Ramadan and they’re interested in learning about the bible, and we will start simple bible stories as soon as we get the okay from their brothers.  We are blessed to be here, to share however we can about the Lord’s amazing, deep, infinite love for each of us.

As Roy & I think about the fact that this is our last term, we want to finish well, to seize each day, to leave seeds planted, flowers budding, fruit being eaten, or at the very least the aroma of possibility.  Please pray for God’s love to be known.



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About danforth

As Covenant missionaries, we are working with all the tribal groups of the Central African Republic (CAR) but are trying to give special attention to the Fulani, a Musxlim, cattle herding, and semi-nomadic people group. We live on an experimental/training farm, near a mission station which has a hospital plus bible and nursing schools. We are establishing relationships with the local people groups through compassion ministries; Roy through agriculture and Aleta through public health and visitation, in order, ultimately, to share the good news of Jesus the Messiah with them. CAR is one of the least developed countries in the world and is currently in continual crisis (since the coup in March 2013), so reaching out in compassion is key to reaching their hearts. Due to the ongoing conflict and resultant ethnic cleansing in CAR, we are crossing the border to interact with our Fulani contacts.
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