When you hear bad news like this:
about the country you’ve been praying for and hoping to go back to, or when your GPS says you’re hovering over deep water and it needs to replan
or your car catches fire and you have to call 911 while you watch it go up in flames (we passed by this on the Oakland Bay Bridge, poor guy)
then it’s time to cry out to the Lord and be thankful that your future is in his very capable hands. Thank Him for the bad and the good, as it stretches you and/or delights you.
How sweet it is to be home again in Indiana with precious princesses!! Please pray for us as we watch the news from C.A.R. from this comfort zone. Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom about our return to Africa next May. There are some things that we have to take care of soon that will be effected by where in Africa we return to. We are resting in God’s wise “replanning”, if that’s what is up ahead. Please pray for C.A.R., for peace and understanding to reign. Please pray for our friends and colleagues, some of whom are in Bangui, some in Gamboula, and some just newly evacuated from the capital.