We had such an amazing time at the beach with Covenant missionary friends! Our guest speakers touched our hearts and caused us to ponder about being or not being foolish, about being who the Lord wants us to be. We had marvelous fun and food. Thank you for praying, especially for safe travels, we saw the results of more accidents along the side of the road than ever before. There are some crazy drivers out there!
Curt (retiring head of Cov World Mission/Roy/Ron Z (friend for some 25 years now)
Roy singing a song in honor of our buddy, Tom Halgren
Guest speaker Past. Craig and Past Curt dueling it out at fun night
Just boys having fun!
Worship team: Mary Noren, Jeff Stoker, and Roy – they even played a bit of musical chairs (no pun intended) although Mary is the only one who plays all three instruments.