Monthly Archives: February 2015

Vegetable garden co-ops! Amazing!

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Roy & Tom & Nadege, our veggie garden specialist at CEFA, visited 3 co-op gardens across the border among the Fulani refugees the other day.  They were super encouraged by the energy and obvious enthusiasm for taking care of these …

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Rain! Hail! Wind! Moisture! Mud even! Yippee!

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We are so thankful for another rain in the midst of this very dust dry season.  Even if it means so trimming and repair work.???????????????????????????????So I guess if you’re a tall drink of water and you were trying to …

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Home is where the heart is

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Seems like just about every time I’m out in the truck, whether it has been a morning’s work at the mission or a long hot day’s visit across the river, when I see the group of kolongo palm trees just …

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There is hope for reconciliation in CAR! Please keep praying!

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car map

While there are maps being circulated showing the proposed division of the country of Central African Republic into 2 separate entities, the president of C.A.R. has sent out her cabinet ministers with UN reps to start up reconciliation initiatives in …

Posted in Fulani/M friends, Mission, Prayer requests | Comments Off on There is hope for reconciliation in CAR! Please keep praying!