You may recall my writing of a women’s bible study that carols on Easter mornings. I joined them one year and was blessed to tears. This year on Palm Sunday, March 24th, a splinter group from the Sel-eka regime had taken over our little town and mission, and there was a curfew in effect. These ladies knew from experience the blessing of walking through the village from one end to the other, as the night turns to day, on Easter morning, singing hymns of the Lord’s triumph. But this Easter, the Sel-eka was supposed to have arrived to take over from the renegades, on Easter eve or Easter day. These ladies decided to go ahead and sing to the Lord, and wake the village up to Easter just like always. Some said that they woke up very early and had to sing by themselves to drum up the courage. Some of the villagers, when they heard them in the distance, thought that perhaps the Sel-eka had arrived. They walked and sang and celebrated the risen Lord, blessed to be a blessing!
Please keep praying for peace in CAR, that these sweet friends could live their lives without fear.