We had a lovely time during a church service in which the women’s group at a neighboring church celebrated their members’ accomplishments. What joy they all showed at the different achievements. One lady, probably 55 or so, proudly counted to 100 in Sango in front of us all. The one in the photo, probably also in her 50’s, led us in a hymn as she READ the words she was singing, a new thing for her! These women are meeting together weekly, encouraging each other to learn and grow. They memorize scripture and pray together, facing the challenges of their every day lives with big hopes and looking forward to their meetings with anticipation of learning new things about God. They receive little colored strips for their yellow scarves for each accomplishment, with great pomp and circumstance, which they thrive on. The age span is great, some new moms and some grannies, all mixed together to share their lives.