Posts by cbuettgen:
Quick Facts about DR Congo
As Covenant Kids Congo supporters, we all have the best interest of our sponsored children in mind. If we don’t know some history of the political and economic complexities, we can’t appreciate both the challenges
Glen Ellyn Kids for Clean Water in Congo
Water on the Way!
Water Update
Contribution from Pete Ekstrand, Covenant Missionary based in Gemena, DR Congo
At a recent visit to the World Vision warehouse where they are storing supplies, Water Technician Frank was taking inventory of all the pieces that have arrived …
Suzia Water Source
The Suzia Water Source
Another update from Covenant Missionary Pete Ekstrand on progress of the Water Project through Covenant Kids Congo.
Suzia is the name of the spring at the base of IPOK hill, past what used to be missionary …
Water Project Update 2014
Click on here to read up on the latest progress report for the Water Project. Thanks to your partnership clean water is becoming a reality for thousands in Gemena!
Planned WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) Activities include:
- Construct three
Ebola Confirmed in Equateur Province, DR Congo
The Covenant Newswire posted the following article this week. Please read on and encourage others to pray for those affected by Ebola in DR Congo.
Ebola Confirmed in Equateur Province, DR Congo
CHICAGO, IL (August 26, 2014) — Editor’s Note: …
Couple Makes $10,000 Matching Grant Challenge for CKC
*Check this article out on the Covenant Newswire:
CHICAGO, IL (August 18, 2014) — A new $10,000 matching funds challenge will enable Covenant Kids Congo powered by World Vision (CKC) donors to maximize their contributions.
For each new child …
A Tale of Two Child Sponsors
by Katelyn Tresh
We have an opportunity to bless the children of the Democratic Republic of Congo in a very
impactful way. These children live in mud homes, walk miles to their
nearest water source, and experience death of loved …
Hope Sunday Guide
The following information represents the best practices of churches that have organized a Hope Sponsorship event. Find this information on the World Vision church partners site:

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