Posts Tagged ‘Pacific Southwest’

Johnson Honored, Smith Elected During PSWC Celebration

Post a Comment » Written on April 26th, 2010     
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By Stan Friedman

SCOTTS VALLEY, CA (April 26, 2010) – The Pacific Southwest Conference (PSWC) Celebration was an exuberant recognition of God’s ministry over the past 10 years, as well as a time to honor outgoing Superintendent Evelyn Johnson and …

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Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit at Granite Bay (CA) Church

Post a Comment » Written on April 9th, 2010     
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Prayer is not just bringing our petitions and expressions of thanks to God. Building a strong and intimate relationship with God involves communication – and communication involves both talking and listening to God.

Prayer Planning Guide

We encourage you to

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Boarding School for Rescued Teen Prostitutes Now Operating

Post a Comment » Written on April 8th, 2010     
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grow-dot copy2

I am the vine;you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; Apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

Invitation to GROW is a simple but comprehensive approach to …

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48-State Race to Raise Funds for Guatemalan School

Post a Comment » Written on April 8th, 2010     
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Curt Peterson

Thursday Evening

Bob Shim

Friday morning

Labib Madanat

Friday evening

Grace Shim

Saturday morning

Gary Gaddini

Saturday evening

Linnea Carnes

Sunday morning

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New ECC Church Launches Today in Las Vegas

Post a Comment » Written on April 1st, 2010     
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LAS VEGAS, NV (April 1, 2010) – The first-ever Evangelical Covenant Church congregation in Las Vegas officially launches today.

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Covenant Team Teaching Camping Principles in Thailand

Post a Comment » Written on March 19th, 2010     
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Memorial Service Conducted for Anice (Miller) Shepson

Post a Comment » Written on March 17th, 2010     
Filed under: News, Obituary

TURLOCK, CA (March 17, 2010) – A memorial service for Anice L. (Miller) Shepson, 94, was conducted March 13 at Covenant Village of Turlock.

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Spiritual Direction Gaining Momentum in Covenant

1 Comment » Written on March 8th, 2010     
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Prayer is not just bringing our petitions and expressions of thanks to God.
Building a strong and intimate relationship with God involves communication – and communication involves both talking and listening to God.

Prayer Planning Guide

We encourage you

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News Briefs: Covenanters Making Headlines

Post a Comment » Written on March 5th, 2010     
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WALNUT CREEK, CA (March 5, 2010) – Outreach Magazine has named Evangelical Covenant Church Pastor Mae Cannon’s book, Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for a Better World, as a Resource of the Year.

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Rolling Hills Celebrates 25 Years of ‘Living Art’ Pageants

Post a Comment » Written on February 25th, 2010     
Filed under: Ministry Idea, News
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