Lectures on both days will be presented at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Bruce Longenecker
Williamson will speak September 28 on the Isaiah Memoir (Isaiah 6:1-9:6), addressing the questions “How Was It Written?” in the first lecture and “What Does It Mean?” in the second.
Williamson is writing a multi-volume commentary on Isaiah 1-27 for the International Critical Commentary series. Volume 1 appeared in 2006, and he is currently writing volume 2, on chapters 6-12.
Longenecker will present on “Hearing the Silence of Luke 4:30” and “Constructing Arcs in Luke’s Gospel.” One of his publications that is relevant to his North Park presentation is Remember the Poor: Paul, Poverty, and The Greco-Roman World.
Longenecker holds the W.W. Melton Chair of Religion in the Department of Religion at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He previously taught at St. Andrews University, Cambridge University, and Durham University in the United Kingdom.