Social Innovations Focus of White House Forum

1 Comment » Written on July 12th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 12, 2012) – Eugene Cho, pastor of Quest Covenant Church, was one of several speakers participating in an invitation-only White House forum on Wednesday where social innovators shared ideas.

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CWR Grant Assists Effort to Help Victims of Violence

3 comments Written on July 11th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (July 11, 2012) – A new Covenant World Relief grant will enable HEAL Africa, a ministry in the most dangerous area of the Democratic Republic of Congo, to integrate multiple disciplines to help individuals …

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Eating An Egg – Breaking a Tradition

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GOMA, DR CONGO (July 11, 2012) – Sometimes it’s the seemingly small things that can help transform a life. Like eating a boiled egg.

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Memorial Service Conducted for Morland Adell

2 comments Written on July 10th, 2012     
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SUN CITY WEST, AZ (July 10, 2012) – A memorial service was conducted Friday for former Evangelical Covenant Church pastor Morland Adell, 86, who died June 28. The service was held at Desert Garden United Church of Christ.

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Court Moves to Stop Eviction of Churches from Schools

Post a Comment » Written on July 10th, 2012     
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NEW YORK, NY (July 10, 2012) – A federal district court judge recently issued a permanent injunction to prevent the New York City Board of Education from evicting more than 60 church from city public schools.

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Helping Children Experience the Love of God

2 comments Written on July 9th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

IRVINE, CA (July 9, 2012) – “There is no babysitting in the church,” says Steve Burger, director of adult, children and family ministries of the Evangelical Covenant Church.

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What Covenanters Are Talking About Online

Post a Comment » Written on July 6th, 2012     
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By Stan Friedman

CHICAGO, IL (July 6, 2012) – Many Covenanters routinely share links to social media articles and videos with one another that may be of interest to others. Below, Covenant News Service offers a sample of those submissions. …

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Summer Feeding Program Helps Hungry Kids

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By Stan Friedman

WENATCHEE, WA (July 6, 2012) – Columbia Grove Covenant Church is making sure that underserved children in their area have a nutritious lunch Monday through Thursday every week during the summer.

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Waterlogged, Students Get a Taste of Leadership Challenges

1 Comment » Written on July 3rd, 2012     
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MINNEAPOLIS, MN (July 3, 2012) – The concept of servant leadership became a reality for 21 high-school students when five inches of rain drenched their four-day canoe trip through the Boundary Waters.

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Christian Musician Tops June’s Most-Read List

Post a Comment » Written on July 3rd, 2012     
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CHICAGO, IL (July 3, 2012) – The surprise visit to a Covenant young man’s high school graduation party by a well-known Christian musician was the most-read Covenant News Service story during June. Stories about the 127th Annual Meeting filled out …

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