I feel like every other update of ours could be entitled “Transitions” Seems as if we are continually either transitioning in/ out of a new country, new house, new ministries, or new friendships. In the midst of this we are thankful for a God who never changes.Currently Josh is finishing his role of co-pastoring the Jipijapa church and stepping into his new role of leadership with the Ecuadorian Evangelical Covenant Church.This past Sunday he stepped down from his 2 year role as co-pastor. Pablo (left) will continue in his role as co-pastor of the church and Noe (right) was called to take over where Josh left off, joining the pastoral team.
Pastoral Council: In addition to working more closely in partnership and leadership with the national church, Joshua has also recently joined the Pastoral Council.
The Pastoral Council is an elected group of six ordained ministers tasked with the responsibility of spiritual direction and pastoral care for the national church for a three year term.
Last Saturday he had the privilege of representing the Pastoral Council installing Pastor Roberto in his church – one of the many responsibilities of this team.

Thank you for your prayers for us during these transitions! |