A Special Gathering of Leaders

Last Thursday, youth leaders began to arrive at our home from different cities and towns in Colombia to spend the weekend together. This is the second training event/retreat weekend we have had together. The first was in June 2022. It felt a bit like a family reunion! The purpose of our time together was to connect and share experiences, as well as engage in training and mutual learning from each other. 

The 16 young adults who participated are serving locally and regionally as youth leaders in Covenant Churches in Colombia. The ministry they engage in is beautiful and complex, as are the adolescents and youth they serve and minister with. These times together are important for building a sense of community and connection. They are able to see that they are part of a larger team. They are reminded there are others they can turn to for ideas and support. We worked through themes of God’s invitation to us to follow and serve, what leadership looks like in the context of youth ministry, and what type of leaders youth today need. There was laughter, tears, singing, silence, deep conversation, new ideas, personal reflection and hands-on practice in facilitating groups.

Katie, along with the President of the national youth organization, provided most of the framework and training for the weekend. In addition, every person present led in someway: leading worship through song and prayer, directing ice-breakers and team building games, preparing and leading a module of the training material.

We spent Saturday working at our home. Whereas, Sunday we drove 30 minutes to spend the day outdoors in a beautiful park next to a lake. We spent the morning in solitude and time with God. A good friend led in praying through art and then we had time to take a prayer walk, visit prayer stations or simply sit. Together we worked through the themes they will be focusing on this semester with their local and regional youth leaders. And there was time to play together and eat. 

It was a life-giving weekend. Pray for these youth leaders as they return to their local settings to carry out the training. Over 50 youth are participating. 

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