In celebration

In celebration of the “Day of the Child” here in Colombia, leaders from Shalom Covenant Church, in collaboration with the regional youth leadership team, and a group of young adults from the Nueva Vida church plant, organized a party for children. The three hour party consisted of music, singing, games, clowns, activities, crafts, face painting, balloons and whistles. It was three hours of loud fun. The children, over 60, came from different Covenant Churches and were the cause for celebration. During the three hours together the leadership made it a point to emphasize just how valuable these children are and how much God loves them. For me, the most encouraging moment was to see the youth and young adults engaging with the children, becoming like children themselves. I know how much children look up to youth and for these young people it was a reminder of the responsibility they have for these younger ones. It was truly a day of celebration!

Learning a song

Learning a song

Activities led by Gloria the clown

Activities led by Gloria the clown

Trying out the trumpet

Trying out the trumpet

Youth leading songs

Youth leading songs

Special moment singing a worship song together and praying over the children

Special moment singing a worship song together and praying over the children

Ludys, one of our best face painters, was a big hit.

Ludys, one of our best face painters, was a big hit.

Jair, an art student at the university, delighted children with the opportunity to have their picture sketched

Jair, an art student at the university, delighted children with the opportunity to have their picture sketched

A sketch by Jair

A sketch by Jair

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One thought on “In celebration

  1. Thank you for this post, Katie. Encouraging and uplifting! Young people have so much to offer each other. What a positive way to affirm the blessing each one of them is!

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