
We hope you have received our latest update eNewsletter. In it we include some of the reasons we are thankful this month. God is good! Even amidst challenges, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve in Colombia.

Here are some of the things we are giving thanks for:

* Our friends, family, and supporting churches for partnering with us in the ministry in Colombia. Your faithful support and prayers are what allow us to serve. We thank God for the privilege it is to walk alongside people on their life journey. Here is a brief video we’ve made for our supporting churches: (password: 2011)

* Our family, especially our 2 boys who bring such joy and challenge us as parents to set a living example of what it means to love God and others.
Julio and the boys

Julio and the boys

* The missionaries, pastors, and lay leaders we work alongside. They encourage us, strengthen us, challenge us and teach us. We pray for the men and women who are committed to the whole mission of the church; continually finding new ways to impact their communities through schools, soccer programs, small businesses for women heads of households, counseling and vocational training for women who have left a life of prostitution, etc.
Pastoral couples in Medellin

Pastoral couples in Medellin

* The young professionals and university students we have been privileged to get to know. We thank God for the ways they are living examples of God’s love and grace in their work places and universities. Pray for them as they finish their studies and as they work in hospitals, small businesses, and schools.
* For the visitors and teams who have come to serve in various capacities: teaching
english to children, building churches, praying with pastoral couples, training advocates for victims of abuse, training in small business, serving as listeners and encourages at youth camps. Thank you for your willingness to come not only to serve, but to learn.
Team working in Monteria

Team working in Monteria



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