
Students in the Certificate in Old Testament program are halfway through their year-long program. This year’s initiative – the leadership development through theological education project – began in January and will continue through November. Ninety students are enrolled in the program. As president of the Colombian Covenant Church explains, “this certificate in Bible and theology is important because it allows us to advance the formation of leaders so that they are equipped to teach others.”

The first year of the program consists in a certificate in Old Testament, followed by a certificate in New Testament, and in the third year a certificate in Biblical Interpretation. Students in Medellin were so deeply moved by the course on prophets that was held last weekend. Many of them said they wished the class could have been longer.  There was so much more they wanted to learn and discuss. In response to the class Shyrley wrote, “What would I be without God?! I need God so much. And the prophets teach me about what it means to love God above all things and that this is the way God loves us.”  Students in Bogota and Barranquilla will have the opportunity to take this module on the prophets during the month of September.

One student, when asked why he is taking the certificate program responded, “I consider this certificate program to be important because it gives me the tools to study the most important text we have: the Bible. It gives me the opportunity to study rigorously the Word of God.” Please pray as students continue through this first year of studies. Pray that more would join them in this process and that these leaders would be equipped to serve faithfully. Please consider giving to this formational project, helping to provide students with scholarships to be able to continue in this three year process.  Click here to donate. (select “equipping leaders through theological training” in the drop down menu).

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