Dreams come true

Everyday we continue to thank God for the amazing ways he chooses to work in and through us, despite our hang ups, despite our flaws and weaknesses. It’s been an incredible three years and one of the biggest joys has been seeing the how God has brought together a group of young adults, university students, and familiesĀ and created a community. Nueva Vida was a dream that brought us to Colombia as the Covenant invited us to work with young professionals and university students, discipling them and journeying alongside of them, equipping them for ministry and service. In Colombia, many young adults have either left the church or have never actually been a part of a church. Over the past three years we have had the privilege of doing life with some very talented and humble young people, who can testify to how they have grown in Christ in ways that have blown us away. It has reminded us of the fundamental importance of relationships.

Our first meeting over 3 years ago

Our first meeting over 3 years ago

Today Nueva Vida now exists with the mission to “be agents of transformation and reconciliation, living the New Life in Christ.” (2 Corinthians 5:14-19) The values of formation, community, and service permeate the group and people have step up to make sure these values are lived out within the community. With two groups that now meet on a weekly basis, it has more of a house church feel, where members dig deep into God’s word together, share life with it’s joys and concerns together, and are finding ways to impact the community around them by collaborating with other Covenant churches in several social projects. We look forward to seeing how Nueva Vida will grow and how its members will continue to sharpen and encourage one another as they grow in Christ. It is not easy to leave this community, which has been such an integral part of our lives.

Learning together

Learning together

This past Sunday they hosted a little “thank you” party for our family. It was all very special and overwhelming. They went all out – food, decorations, music, activities, a video that captured the formation of Nueva Vida. It was a time of celebration of God’s faithfulness and of the gift that it is to be a part of God’s church. Please continue to pray for the leaders of Nueva Vida and for the ongoing commitment to formation, community, and service.

So blessed to be a part of this community

So blessed to be a part of this community

Special music

Special music

Delicious patacones

Delicious patacones

Lots of laughter

Lots of laughter

Times of sharing

Times of sharing

Relationships built

Relationships built

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