Wahoo! We are celebrating the amazing fact that 1000 children’s Bibles were distributed to the Evangelical Covenant churches in Colombia.
This past summer children and churches in North America had the opportunity to learn about their brothers and sisters in the faith in Colombia, while at the same time taking an offering that would provide children in Colombia with Bibles, learning materials and resources. Through the Bible in their hands, Jesus in their livesĀ project, we were able to make a great contact with a Christian book distributor here and 1000 children’s Bibles were purchased. Every Covenant church has received Bibles and they are putting them to good use as the children come together to learn about God and grow in their faith in Jesus.
And this is just the beginning. Because of the offering raised, new churches are also purchasing materials, tables, chairs, and didactic materials to better serve the children in their congregations. Thank you to all of you who made this possible.