Our first week in Colombia


A view of the city at night!

We have been in Colombia for just over a week, but in many ways it feels like weeks have gone by. Maybe it’s because the boys have been sick and we haven’t been out much (except to the doctor), but in many ways the week has felt extremely long. We are happy to report that both boys are doing much better! Thank you for your prayers!! You have no idea how much we needed them.

Even with the boys being sick, we did manage to have some visitors and get out to visit a couple churches. Julio’s parents came to stay with us for a few days which was great! We’re excited to be closer to them (only a 7 hour bus ride away). They were happy to see their grandkids (and us of course). Julio loved having the time to sit and talk with them and catch up on what’s been happening in the family. We also got to meet a group of 5 men who came from Sacramento to serve in a church here. It was great to get to know them a little and see their passion for serving others.


Enjoying time with Julio's parents.


Sunday I, Katie, actually got out to a church service (while Julio stayed home with the kids just to give them one more day of getting rest, etc.). It was awesome to worship with old friends and feel the support and love of the people as they had me come forward and share a little about our family and how we’ll be serving in Colombia. It is encouraging and inspiring to see the way this church serves the community. We have so much to learn from them and look forward to the different ways we can work together. It’s always on days like these when I long to have people from the US visit to be able to share this special place with them. Here’s a little clip of the worship service.


[youtube id=”MSw6xKflhLY”]


Please pray for us as we move into this second week with lots on our schedule – receiving a small team from the USA who’s here to take videos/pictures of some projects that work with children, trying to get our driver’s licenses and cell phones, visiting preschools, etc. This past week was a good reminder for us to take things a day at a time. God’s faithfulness has been so evident in the ways he’s brought people to help us and support us when our kids were sick, in the smiles and hugs we’ve received from friends and co-workers, in the emails we’ve received from people in the US, in the smiles of our kids, and through the many prayers that were lifted up on our  behalf.

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