CHICAGO, IL (September 18, 2012) – Bruce Lawson will host a Call-In Café discussion entitled Creating Spiritual Growth Pathways. The hour-long discussion will start at 11 a.m. (CDT) on Thursday.
Lawson is the manager of camping and special projects for the Department of Christian Formation.
Click here to log in and join the conversation. If you have not previously participated, please go to the website early to register for a login. The first five people who attend will receive Starbucks gift cards.
Windsor Park Offers to Donate 300 Chairs

Free chairs
CAROL STREAM, IL (September 18, 2012) – Windsor Park, an Evangelical Covenant Church retirement community, has approximately 300 chairs to donate, preferably to a new or existing congregation in the denomination.
The retirement community is purchasing new chairs for its auditorium. The donated chairs must be picked up no later than mid-October. For more information, contact Jim Steere by calling 630-510-4706.
Challenge Grant Pledged to Buy Congo Trucks
CHICAGO, IL (September 18, 2012) – An anonymous couple has pledged $15,000 for a challenge grant that would pay for two new vehicles to be used for ministry in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The donors will match one dollar for every two dollars contributed by Friends of World Mission or other Covenanters.
One truck will be used by the 10 missionary personnel. “Our Congo missionary staff is growing, and reliable transportation is needed when we travel for pastors’ seminars, medical outreach, agriculture development, and discipleship,” said missionary Pete Ekstrand.
“An additional truck is also desperately needed in the Congo Covenant Church as President Jules Mboka and his colleagues focus on evangelism and the planting of new churches,” said Curt Peterson, executive minister of the Department of World Mission.
“The projected cost of the two vehicles is $85,000,” said Peterson. Nearly $40,000 has already been raised. An additional $45,000 is needed to purchase the two vehicles.”
Donors can contribute online or by sending a check to Evangelical Covenant Church, 8303 West Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631. Please note “Vehicles for Congo” in the subject line so that the funds can be applied to the challenge grant.
Churches Providing Generosity Resolution Feedback
CHICAGO, IL (September 18, 2012) – Evangelical Covenant Church congregations have been studying the denomination’s Resolution on Generosity and Stewardship and submitting suggestions to the Christian Action Commission (CAC) before it submits a final draft at the Annual Meeting in June 2013.
The deadline for submitting responses is November 21. Resolutions are reviewed over a two-year period to give time for the denomination to give deeper consideration to each. Delegates to the 2012 Annual Meeting offered input and will have an opportunity to do so again in 2013.
The Covenant website notes, “This resolution invites followers of Christ to live out our identity as generous stewards of God’s material and spiritual gifts.”
The CAC has published a one-page resource sheet and a discussion guide on the resolution for churches and individuals.
Click here to submit feedback.