CHICAGO, IL (April 5, 2012) – Nearly 30 people from Resurrection Covenant Church joined in a four-mile Holy Week procession across the heart of the city to remember murdered youth and connect participants with opportunities to protect children, mitigate violence and support families struggling with these issues.

Marchers gather at Daley Plaza
More than 1,000 people of all ages made the walk during rush hour. Some of the participants were parents of murdered children. More than 630 youth and young adults have been killed by violence in Chicago during the past four years.
The Episcopal Church organized the march, which attracted people from many denominations. Jeffrey Lee, Episcopal bishop of Chicago, said it would be important for the walk to not be an isolated event. “We want this to be the beginning of a movement.”
Click here to watch a local news report on the event.
Volunteers Fill Nearly 5,000 Plastic Eggs for Hunt
LOVELAND, CO (April 5, 2012) – Members of Crossroads Covenant Church filled 4,971 plastic eggs with chocolate and candy to give away to some 500 youngsters at a congregation-sponsored community egg hunt last Saturday.
The 2-1/2-hour event also included a pancake breakfast, bounce house and a slide. Church leaders said they wanted the hunt to have a carnival feel.
The egg hunts were done in several 15-minute sessions. The hunts also were meant to reinforce the importance of giving. At the end, those with more than 10 eggs gave them to someone with fewer eggs or turned them in, and those with fewer than 10 eggs received enough to equal 10.
A local parent said she was impressed with the church’s outreach. “It lasted a lot longer. Other ones I’ve been to ended just like that,” Faith Davisson said.
That new children’s ministry director, HannahLee Duffey, who organized and supervised the event, was 32 weeks pregnant at the time. “Pretty amazing,” said another participant.